Native language: المستشار
Meaning: An advisor is someone that responsible for you, and give you advices.
Example: My advisor in my internship is Mr. Sean Burke. He advises me by telling me what’s right for me and what’s wrong for me.
Native language: مناسب
Meaning: Appropriate means that something that you able to do.
Example: In my internship we have to talk in appropriate way, or else you will be having a conversation with Mr. Paul my mentor.
Native language: موقف
Meaning: an attitude Advisor:
means the way you act. Talk, respect and behave.
Example: my attitude is great at my work so I don’t need to worried about it
Example: if my attitude is horrible at my internship I will get fired.
Native language: الزميل
Meaning: colleague means the co worker.
Example: Mr. Jake is a co worker at my internship.
Cover letter:
Native language: غطاء الرسالة
Meaning: Cover letter means to write about a job that you are interesting on it then you going to hand it in.
Example: the beginning of the year we wrote our cover letter and we hand it in to Mr. Sean Burke my internship teacher.
Co worker:
Native language: زميل في العمل
Meaning: Co worker means a person who work with you at your job.
Example: Candy is my co worker at my internship.
Native language: نقد
Meaning: Criticism means that someone is judging you.
Example: Mr. Sean Burke has criticized me for pushing me hard at school.
Native language: تمييز
Meaning: Discrimination means that when you say or do something against some one.
Example: Some people in my school are discrimination, because my school is international high school, so its really a big deal.
Duty: واجب
Native language:
Meaning: responsibility or something that you have to do.
Example: my duty at my work is to make sure that the kids are doing their homework.
Native language: عامل
Meaning: a person who has a job.
Example: Candy and Jasmine are employee in the Arab American Family Support Center.
Native language: صاحب العمل
Meaning: a person who hired people.Example: My mentor Mr. Paul is an employer because he hired a people to work
Native language: تقييم
Meaning: It means that finding the value of something.
Example: Mr. Paul evaluating around to see if the student doing their job.
Native language: تقييم
Meaning: It means a value.
Example: Learning something new is an evaluation of discovering my self.
Native language: مضايقة
Meaning: touching some one without a permission.
Example: Some of the teenagers are harassment to each other.
Native language: مبادرة
Meaning: It means that when you do something in your own without some one telling you. Or self starter.
Example: I am an initiative person because some times I do things in my own.
Native language: مبتدئ
Meaning: A person who is new at work.
Example: Along time ago I was a novice at work.
Native language: حماية
Meaning: It means that some one, or something who protect you.
Example: I use proactive to protect my self from the sun.
Native language: مؤهلا
Meaning: It means something that you want to have.
Example: I qualification a person to have a job.
Native language: مرجع
Meaning: It means some one that speak up or tell about your ability.
Example: Mr. Paul is my reference.
Native language: موثوق
Meaning: A dependent or honestly person.
Example: I am an reliable person.
Native language: راتب
Meaning: It means that how much money you the person gets every year.
Example: My salary every year is 1,00000.
Task :
Native language: مهمة
Meaning: Is a job, what I have to do.
Example: My task in Ms. Sherin class is to write about constitution convection.
Native language: جور
Meaning: It means the money that a person gets in a hours days, or week.
Example: My wages 20 per hour, and 2,000 per week.